Now You Sleeve Me (DL)

Now You Sleeve Me (DL)



DL = Digital LINK…NOT download file. Streaming videos.

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At Magic LIVE this year a shy young man walked up to our team, with his sleeves pulled up, threw a borrowed coin through a portal in the air and made it appear in our awaiting hands... 3 feet away. That guy was Jeffrey Wang. The creator of 'Now You Sleeve Me'. What makes Jeffrey's sleeving so unique, is that he can tell you it's sleeving and you STILL don't believe him. His flawless method has none of the tell-tale signs of dirty work. - The hands remain flat and rigid. - The sleeves can be pulled up, away from the extreme edge of the wrist. - You see the coin, sharpie - ANYTHING, right up until the last moment. Presented by two-time AGT Winner & Vegas Headliner Shin Lim and in collaboration with, this visual medley contains:

The JT Vanish - Jeffrey's first method to sleeve, sharpies, coins, jumbo coins and anything else you can think of.

The JC Vanish - This is the one where it vanishes with a clap.

Reappearances Transpositions Portal effect - This one you won't see in the trailer, but it's our absolute favorite.

Multiple changes Circle Vanish - Jeffrey's favorite from the entire project.

The Circle Color Change Rolled-up Sleeve, Sleeving - With this technique you'll be able to sleeve coins effortlessly

Eddie XU also joins Shin & Jerrfrey to teach his favorite way to use the

JT vanish by linking a chinese coin to a string... IN MID AIR.

*At an cyber Monday only deal of $9, there really isn't any reason to not have this in your arsenal as a magician. Tis the season to be sleeving. Download 'Now You Sleeve Me' TODAY*

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